A Messy Burger Creates Sloppy Branding
Can you see what’s wrong with this picture, Burger King obviously doesn’t! Two vegan patties on a bun topped with American cheese, Bacon and more… I had to read this article twice to make sure I was reading it correctly. Burger King clearly does not understand the customer they’re selling to, which is troubling for this 70 year-old food company. Read the full details here.
This BrandRewindTM moment comes with meat on Burger King’s vegan customer’s face… I have to ask, at what stage in their product development process do they have checks for customer feedback or accuracy? How did this product make it to the end of their process when it was doomed to fail from its inception? Attention brands, when you’re entering a new market or catering to a new customer, do your research. Ensure there are checkpoints in your product and marketing processes for accuracy and feedback before rushing to market to compete. Thankfully, this is a quick product fix, but unfortunately, it leaves your customer’s not trusting your integrity or feeling heard. Brands, you need to be assiduous!