An apology goes a long way to rewind Corden’s ban

Oct 18, 2022

Here is a great example of the power of an apology to fix a wrong. Comedian James Corden did the right thing when he was called-out on social media for being verbally abusive to restaurant staff. Read more here.

One of the best ways to begin fixing your brand is to apologize and acknowledge your mistake. James Corden immediately took accountability and apologized for his bad behaviour after the restaurant owner posted his upset over the poor treatment of his staff. Restaurants everywhere are still recovering from the pandemic and struggling to find enough staff to work, so the last thing they need is to have their staff verbally assaulted by patrons. We don’t know if Mr. Corden apologized to the restaurant staff directly, but his decision to apologize to the owner for his disrespectful outbursts and verbal abuse of the staff made a great impact.

It shouldn’t take a social media post for someone to give an apology, but it’s still great to see that the right thing was done to Rewind his Brand. To make full amends, Mr. Corden needs to apologize to the individual staff members that he offended (if he hasn’t already done so) and it should be delivered publicly, since he publicly offended them. I also hope that Mr. Corden has learned that verbally abusing people is unacceptable and if it happens again in the future, his apology may not be accepted so easily.

Zoe Mitchell is the founder of Sharp Processes, a leadership consultancy focused on improving employee engagement using Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Psychological Safety and Process Improvement best practices with her 20 years of corporate senior leadership positions. She is also the author of Inclusive Leadership Now (available on Amazon).
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